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How to build a truly healthy relationship

Writer's picture: Elias Gautier-PerazaElias Gautier-Peraza

Autora. Yaymelis Garcia Leyva. Master's Student in Clinical Social Work AGMU Tampa, Florida.

Relationships are necessary and part of a healthy life, but there are no perfect relationships. Relationships, dating or marriage, have the power to enrich our lives and add to life's well-being. However, the same relationships can cause discomfort, they can even cause a lot of damage. Take a few minutes to learn more about how to protect yourself from building an unhealthy or toxic relationship. So you like to ask yourself if you are indeed in a relationship with qualities that are convenient for both of you.

Love and sexuality are profoundly positive, enriching, and necessary phenomena in our lives. Every physically and mentally healthy person longs for love and has sexual needs. The dissatisfaction with the need to love harms the development of the personality and the happiness of the person.

Healthy relationships are built on the foundation of healthy communication, mutual respect, and trust. In a healthy relationship, both partners feel valued and respected, and their boundaries are respected. Boundaries can be physical, emotional, and sexual. In a healthy relationship, each partner respects the other's goals, whether they are personal, professional, or educational. It is also essential to respect each other's need to spend time with other people or alone. The dynamics of healthy relationships can be applied to intimate partners, friends, family, and co-workers. Communication is a key element of a healthy relationship. Trust is another key component in a healthy relationship.

Respecting boundaries is another key factor in a healthy relationship. Not respecting someone's boundaries can manifest itself in many different ways.

Healthy relationships are critical to emotional connection and allow us to thrive. When someone hasn't had healthy relationships modeled for them, it can be difficult to have a healthy relationship. However, it is never too late to learn how to have healthy relationships.

It is important to address the disagreements or differences that arise in the day-to-day relationship, if not possible immediately, at least not let much time pass. Some people believe that relationships build themselves, putting difficulties aside in the hope that they will resolve themselves or no longer bother them in the future. The reality is that a good relationship, a healthy relationship, like anything you want to be successful at, requires work and regular attention.

Treating your partner with respect necessarily creates an environment in the relationship that favors not only being treated with respect but also increasing trust between the two of you, as well as the desire to be together and share time. Respect is an essential part of love, to the point that we could say that without respect there is no love. Respect has to do with each other's ability to treat your partner as their equal, that is, not feel or pretend that you are above or below the other. Respect is what is needed for both people to cultivate their asecurity and self-esteem properly along the way. Respect gives rise to interest and admiration for your partner. It is what allows them to go hand in hand together, and not one behind the other, and undertake the project of getting to know each other together.

Generally, when talking about affective processes, such as love, very little is taken into consideration the rational aspects. Hence the phrase "love is blind". Let's combine both factors to be able to love with intelligence. For this, I offer practical advice on the subject of love as a couple.

  • Provide changing or new circumstances. In a word: break the routine.

  • Take disagreements not as conflicts, but as lessons to be learned. Remember that together they build something.

  • Put yourself in your partner's shoes so you can feel what you like and what you don't like. That is the basis of respect.

  • Experience how it feels when your partner is away. This will provide you with more knowledge of yourself.

  • Whenever you can laugh. Joy should preside over your relationship.

  • Be honest and express how you feel. Affective closeness is supported by moral closeness.

  • Find out what your partner is feeling. Get emotionally in tune.

  • Pay attention to how he delivers affection. The question is not how much, but how.

  • Always offer support. The relationship is a mutual bond.

  • Don't hesitate to ask. Find out how your partner feels.

  • Pay attention to your partner. Like a garden, water it.

  • Take something positive from your partner. You will always learn something new.

  • Feel how love is born every day. NotHow to improve life as a couple to be hnd less commenting on them.

  • Admit your mistakes. Neither hide nor repress: simply assume.

  • Be willing to include new things in your relationship. Everything that does not develop, atrophies.

  • Listen to your intuitions. You may not be able to explain why, but you will see that it is so.

  • Develop creativity. Surprise your partner.

  • Maintain the illusion. Avoid rude acts, words, phrases, and gestures.

  • Respect personal spaces. It's good to be with your partner, but not attached to it.

  • Make decisions by mutual agreement. Never by imposition, and always by agreement.

Love and sexuality are profoundly positive, enriching, and necessary phenomena in our lives. Every physically and mentally healthy person longs for love and has sexual needs. The dissatisfaction with the need to love harms the development of the personality and the happiness of the person.


By Martinez Dantí, Carla. (February 28, 2022). How to improve the relationship

By Megia, Carlos. (January 9, 2022). How to improve life as a couple to be happy

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