Elias Gautier-Peraza
Feb 27, 20235 min read
Bullying: How Children and Young People Affect their Social Environment
Author: Ivelisse Ginorio Master's Student of Clinical Social Work at the Universidad Ana G. Mendez Online Campus Violence in schools is a...
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Elias Gautier-Peraza
Feb 26, 20234 min read
How to build a truly healthy relationship
Autora. Yaymelis Garcia Leyva. Master's Student in Clinical Social Work AGMU Tampa, Florida. Relationships are necessary and part of a...
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Elias Gautier-Peraza
Feb 22, 20233 min read
Trastorno Bipolar e Intervenciones psicosociales
Autora: Nicole Bonilla Bezares Estudiante de Maestría Trabajo Social Clínico UAGM Recinto Online El trastorno bipolar, anteriormente...
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Elias Gautier-Peraza
Feb 16, 20234 min read
Postpartum Depression and how it affects your Emotional Health
Author: Ivelisse Ginorio Master's Student at UAGM Online English The topic of depression is very common to hear, but few of us hear about...
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Dra. Naylu Martinez
Feb 9, 20235 min read
How do emotions directly affect my physical health?
Autora. Yaymelis Garcia Leyva. Master's Student in Clinical Social Work AGMU Tampa, Florida. Human health is not just a matter of high...
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Elias Gautier-Peraza
Feb 8, 20234 min read
Assertiveness and healthy self-esteem
Author: Yaymelis Garcia. Master Clinic Social Work Student, Campus Tampa, FL. Assertiveness is a characteristic of the personality that...
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Elias Gautier-Peraza
Feb 1, 20235 min read
Making healthy choices through positive thinking.
Author: Ivelisse Ginorio. Master's Student in Clinical Social Work, Orlando Online Campus You have had to face situations in which your...
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Dra. Naylu Martinez
Jan 23, 20233 min read
How do we improve our Emotional Health?
Autor: Jeannette Meléndez. Máster Clinic Social Work Student , Campus Tampa , FL Throughout our lives, at some point we have heard...
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Dra. Naylu Martinez
Dec 22, 20225 min read
Behavior, and cultural identity of the Puerto Rican.
Autora : Tanishka Babilonia Vega , Máster Clinic Social Work Student. The mixture of traditions, beliefs, values and other things define...
1,519 views0 comments
Dra. Naylu Martinez
Oct 30, 20223 min read
The importance of loving each other more!
It's not about vanity, or excessive self-centeredness, it's not about mere 'empowerment', no, it's about reflecting and understanding who...
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